Sugar Cookie Marketing

The College

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Learn how to earn – join and get 80+ marketing courses geared to online sales of baked goods!

The Fans!

There aren’t many places on the web to get actual positive interaction, let alone positive support for small business bakers. This is that place; actual helpful information. The constructive criticism is heavy on the constructive part and the pages are actually monitored by people who care. 10/10

Jennifer B.

I’d absolutely recommend SCM to anyone interested in upping their marketing game. The skills, tips, and information they have given me have caused me to reach exciting new levels in my business. No other bakery page that I have found has been able to help me accomplish this much at this level.

Courtney C.
Little Crown Bakery

The Baking GroupGet Answer to your Baking Basics Questions

Do you absolutely feel a burning desire to ask a non-marketing-related question in the Sugar Cookie Marketing group? Are you mad when your heat sealer post is deleted in .0005 seconds? Did you just want to know even more about icing bleed than the 1,345,654 posts in other groups can provide? Then I’d like to introduce you to the Baking with (Sugar Cookie Marketing) Facebook Group.

What the Baking Group's About The Who, What, Where, When, Why of the Baking Group

Born from a need of people wanting to learn more about the best heat sealer on the market, the originally-labeled Baking Group is the perfect spot to get SCM-level quality answers – but for baking. Unlike the main group, Sugar Cookie Marketing (Group), the Baking Group is focused on all things in the kitchen. From projectors to icing bleed (and the tears that follow), the members of this baking-focused group are here to help you analyze your icing issues, figure out that flood consistency, and inspire you with inspo-cookies. 

Thing You'll Find in this Group Got Bakin' Questions? We Got Bakin' Answers.

General Cookie
Baking Questions
Baking Products
We Love
Icing Issues
and Idea for Fixing
Sugar Cookie
Inspo Ideas
Baking Concepts
People who LOVE
Sugar Cookies

The Baking Group is Perfect For...

  • Your icing is bleeding and you’re unsure why.
  • A customer asked for a difficult theme and you need inspo.
  • Your oven temps are causing uneven bakes.
  • You’re looking for projector recommendations.
  • You have an issue with writing on cookies and need assistance.
  • You found a new kitchen gadget that’s changed your life and you’d like to share it (no selling though!).


This Probably Isn't the Right Group If...

  • You’re about to ask a question on marketing a sales.
  • You’re trying to sell cookie cutters from your Etsy shop.
  • You just want to vent about a bad client experience.
  • You curse like a sailor, and ain’t no one gonna stop you, darn it!
  • You post content completely irrelevant to cookies or baking.
  • You think Corrie is the favorite twin. You’re incorrect.

Frequently Asked Questions

Perfect question! To join, you’ll need a Facebook Page and to answer all three entry questions and agree to the group rules. That simple! Click here to join the Baking with (Sugar Cookie Marketing) group on Facebook. Typically, an admin will let you in within 24 hours; however, sometimes it may take a little longer. 

If your request to join was denied, odds are you missed one of the entry questions. Simple re-request to join and answer all of the entry questions + agree to the group rules!

Posts that don’t fall within the categories of baking question, baking issues, inspo-requests, and similar type content typically get deleted. Most often, it is due to a marketing question being asked in the baking group. We ask that marketing, sales, and business-related question go to the Sugar Cookie Marketing (Group), and baking-related questions stick in the baking group. 

Other reasons posts end up in the trash bin are most likely violating a group rule such as no cursing. On occasion, a post may be deleted because the comment section has taken a wrong turn. To keep the group running smoothly, we delete threads that have the potential to “go to heck in a handbasket.” 

If you’re still able to access the group after your post was deleted, you’re good to go! You’re not on a naughty list, and we appreciate your patience with us creating a healthy space for bakers to learn to, well, bake.

If you can no longer search for / find the Baking Group, odds are you were removed for a rule violation. We take the rules pretty seriously in the “Sugar Cookie Marketing” groups. Violating a rule in one group will get you removed from all the SCM Groups (Baking, Sugar Cookie Marketing, Bookies, and The College). If you feel like this call was made in error, or that you made a mistake and would like to rejoin, feel free to message the Sugar Cookie Marketing Facebook Page. While we can’t guarantee a decision reversal, we’re all ears to hear if we made a misjudgment.

Learn More about other SCM Groups!

Join the Baking Group on Facebook!