Testimonials 2
Jennifer B.
There aren’t many places on the web to get actual positive interaction, let alone positive support for small business bakers. This is that place; actual helpful information. The constructive criticism is heavy on the constructive part and the pages are actually monitored by people who care. 10/10
Courtney C.
I’d absolutely recommend SCM to anyone interested in upping their marketing game. The skills, tips, and information they have given me have caused me to reach exciting new levels in my business. No other bakery page that I have found has been able to help me accomplish this much at this level.
Carrie Leigh
Incredibly helpful and supportive. They always offer great information and insight.
The massive amount of information they have gifted us since day 1! I feel like I know them irl the inside jokes and side conversations make them feel more like friends telling me all the secrets of the marketing and I am here for it. Making that dough & making that dough for sure.
Corrie and Heather are amazing! I have learned so much from their podcasts and group on Facebook, and have seen a definite increase in sales in my cookie business as a result. I still can’t believe they are giving this information away for free! Live long and cookie on!❤️
Bianca Hammound
Prior to joining Consulting WP, Bianca ran a project management software firm in the U.S. and worked in consulting and investment banking.